
If you’d like to keep up with me, you can subscribe to my newsletter, The Reading, and follow me on Bluesky.


For speaking inquiries (e.g. lectures, retreats, readings, etc), contact Leslie Shipman at The Shipman Agency (leslie [at] theshipmanagency [dot] com).


For publicity or review copies of Dream of the Divided Field, contact Carla Bruce at Penguin Random House (ceddings [at] penguinrandomhouse [dot] com).

For publicity or review copies of The Year of Blue Water, contact Caitlin Gallagher at Yale University Press (caitlin [dot] gallagher [at] yale [dot] edu).


At this time I am not able to take on blurb requests from anyone beyond former students. While I cannot support every book with a blurb, I do love hearing about new work, so do share with me if you'd like through the contact form below.

The Reading

You’re invited to write me a question—on writing or life in general—either in the comments on any post or anonymously.

General inquiries

For general inquiries not covered above, feel free to get in touch with me directly through the contact form below.