If you’d like to keep up with me, you can subscribe to my newsletter, The Reading, and follow me on Bluesky.
For general inquiries about my work (e.g. a commission, usage, translation), contact Rebecca Nagel at The Wylie Agency (rnagel [at] wylieagency [dot] com).
For speaking inquiries (e.g. lectures, retreats, readings, etc), contact Leslie Shipman at The Shipman Agency (leslie [at] theshipmanagency [dot] com).
For publicity or review copies of Dream of the Divided Field, contact Carla Bruce at Penguin Random House (ceddings [at] penguinrandomhouse [dot] com).
For publicity or review copies of The Year of Blue Water, contact Caitlin Gallagher at Yale University Press (caitlin [dot] gallagher [at] yale [dot] edu).
At this time I am not able to take on blurb requests from anyone beyond former students. While I cannot support every book with a blurb, I do love hearing about new work, so do share with me if you'd like through the contact form below.
The Reading
You’re invited to write me a question—on writing or life in general—either in the comments on any post or anonymously.