The Writing: Do you have a writing playlist? If so, what do you listen to?

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Hi everyone,

I was reminded in last week’s ‘Writing about a writing class I took with Farnoosh Fathi several years ago. The class was on poetry and play. Farnoosh had us listen to a rendition of the “butt music” in Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights and we were given a writing prompt about the painting right after.

I’ll never forget the fun I had with that class. I’d love to know how you relate to music in your writing.

Today’s question: Do you have a writing playlist? If so, what do you listen to?

Answer below. As usual, I’ll be here for 45 minutes!

It is incredibly difficult for me to write while listening to music. Lyrics cross my wires and, perhaps due to playing (and learning) violin by ear as a child, I'm unable to listen to even wordless music without being entranced by it.

That being said, I do practice the long dabble of "long walks with my profound feelings." My music go-to is minimalist piano music à la Philip Glass. If you've ever taken a class with you, you'll probably have heard me play "Mad Rush," the song of my teenage years, which has aged rather gracefully, if I may say so myself. It appears on Glass's Solo Piano.

I'm also quite fond of soundtrack music, namely The Hours and Brokeback Mountain.