‘When Will The Reading Return?’

Dear reader,

This may be the first time you’re hearing from me—or maybe you’ve been following my work for a while. Either way, I’m Yanyi. I’m a poet, critic, and a lifelong lover of literature (and alliteration, clearly). At some point in time, you subscribed to this newsletter, The Reading, where you can learn why I write or why you’re not missing talent.

For two years, I wrote an advice column for writers trying to get beyond craft into the heart of why we write—and why we can’t write. It’s been 7 months since I put that project on hiatus. In that time, I did what most writers do—I went on a residency. I started some research and projects that I’m excited to share with you when the time is right. But I also went back to software engineering. I put my energy back into the transformations needed to fulfill my own needs. And the happiness I feel from those changes has brought me back to you.

For some time now, I’ve been feeling the desire to return to The Reading. I know that I can’t sustain the previous weekly, even monthly model. I probably won’t write very long pieces, nor can I promise regular ones. But I’d like to try. I’d like to return to being in dialogue.

Instead of a letter, you’re invited to write me a question—on writing or life in general—either in the comments on any post or anonymously. I hope you do.

Until next,

PS — I’ll be at AWP in Seattle next week to talk about The Reading. Come say hello!